Successful use for the global IT provider RESA

Printing passenger lists directly at the gate The Tally Dascom 1140 dot matrix printer is a small, compact printer with continuous and single- sheet processing, which has now been given a whole new range of tasks by RESA: it is used during onboarding and prints passenger lists directlyat the gate before passengers board the aircraft. The small, powerful dot matrix printer can print up to four carbon copies and replaces another printer system that has been discontinued. Close cooperation, adaptation and certification of the Tally Dascom 1140 RESA was looking for a new printer manufacturer and turned to DASCOM. The robust Tally Dascom 1140, which is often used in the industrial sector, immediately came up. DASCOM made a strong impression with its uncomplicated approach and adjusted...

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Compare CCD vs CIS Scanner Technologies

Over the past few years, scanning has become much more instrumental to the large format document workflow of many AEC (architectural, engineering, & construction) companies. Wide format scanning really makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Here are some key benefits: Scan and archive large volumes of files and eliminate the wasted space of flat files. Mark-up “as-builts” and catalog the changes. Share and collaborate design and construction information easily. Quickly scan and share plans with a vendor or customer.   When it comes to scanner hardware, there are two primary scanning technologies available - CCD and CIS. Let's look at differences between the two and compare CDD to CIS scanner. CCD Type Scanner CCD stands...

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